I've got a crush on you....................

Hey! pretty girl
I am drowning deep
deep in your big black eyes
I wanna you to keep
keep me in your heart
keep me in your dream
whenever you comes in my view
hey! Lovely girl
I've got a crush on you

The darkness notice me..................

The darkness notice me
but i don't care
i walk through the dark
without fear

i am daring with a hope
a hope of light
it provides me confidence
with darkness to fight

it is as like as black hole
and the light is very rare
the darkness notice me
but i don't care
i walk through the dark
without fear..........

Its raining............

Its raining 
the rain of love 
close to my heart 
the rain of happiness 
close to my soul 

its raining 
the rain of thought 
close to my mind 
the rain of feeling 
close to my expression 

everyone knows 
its raining 
whatever u think 
whatever u feel 
the rain is of 

i just know 
its raining 
the rain of my love 
the rain of my happiness 

its raining............. 

←•⁄⁄⁄℗⁄⁄⁄℗⁄⁄⁄℗ ⁄⁄⁄•→ 
' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' 
, ' , ' , ' , ' , ' 
/____,_/ \ .;';';. 
l__[]__l_ l ,,)(,,

यस्तै फूल हुकी..... (कविता)

फूल्न खोज्दा ओइली गए  फूलवारीको माझ  हास्न खोज्दा रोइदिन्छु  के भो मलाई आज 

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